Plain Chocolate

any milk powder - 2 tbsp heaped
cocoa - 1 tbsp
drinking chocolate - 4 tbsp
icing sugar - 4 tbsp
lemon / orange juice - few drops
liquid glucose -1/2 tsp (available at any essence shop or supermarket)

Sieve all the dry ingredients together 2 or 3 times to remove lumps.
Then add orange / lemon juice , liquid glucose and very little water to mix it into a firm dough.
The dough should not be very hard. (It should not crack while making balls).
Now make small balls from the dough.
Flatten each ball.
Prepare different fillings, (like the one I have given, Dates & Almond.)
Keep one small ball of filling into each chocolate.
Close the stuffing properly with Chocolate.
Shape the chocolates to desired shapes like ovals, round or squares.
Wrap it in decorative silver paper.
Put in refrigerator for at least one hour before serving.