Chocolate Walnut Pudding

chocolate chips - 1 cup
cocoa powder - 6 tbs
walnuts (chopped) - 1/2 cup
marie biscuits (small pieces) - 400 g
milk - 1 cup
condensed milk - 250 ml
butter - 100 g
honey - 2 tbs

First coarsely brake marie biscuits into small pieces.
Place the broken biscuit pieces in a bowl & pour milk over to moisten.
In a separate bowl, blend condensed milk, butter,honey, cocoa powder & cook in a
heavy-bottomed pan
till the mixture comes to sauce consistency.
When cool, add the moist biscuits, chopped walnuts,chocolate chips to this chocolatesauce-mix & mix well.
Transfer this mixture into a greased dish & flatten the surface, & garnish with a few pieces of walnuts & chocolate chips.
Now refrigerate for a couple of hours till the pudding sets.
Now Chocolate Walnut Pudding is ready.
Serve cold.